Is Easy Website Building Really A Thing?
Easy Website Building, Is There Such A Thing?
Is Easy Website Building Really A Thing? What I have learned is that there is never an easy way to build a website. When people see a commercial where a website is built in five seconds never see the time it took to research all that content for that website. Researching content, looking up all the pictures, photo shopping, deciding on what color scheme to use, linking all the buttons. It takes time putting your website together. What people don’t see is the videos that are made for these websites and logos that are being created. There is hosting that needs to be considered and set up and so on. There’s a lot that goes into building a website. It’s no wonder these commercials with supermodels make it look easy; they don’t want to scare you away from trying.
Pre-build website
Sure you could go to those sites that have the pre-built template, with the $20 a month fee, but you still have to fill that website with content. It doesn’t matter how great the template looks, all those templates are filled with dummy text. You will need to spend time researching content for your website if you want to be found by search engines.
When you build your website, you have to make sure that the copy (content) you have is engaging to the reader and adds value to the search engines. You can’t just copy and paste something you found on another website; your content needs to be original. Google and all the other search engine’s are looking for value that they can put in front of their visitors.
Images optimization
Another thing you have to consider is the images you use on your website. An image that is a high-resolution image is great to look at but it can bog down your website speed. This is something you must take into consideration because if your website takes a long time to load your customer might just skip your website and go to competitors. Below I’ll provide a link for you to test your website speed. Simply add your domain name into test and that’s it, google will do the rest.
Test your website speed, is it mobile friendly? something to consider – https://testmysite.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-us
Website optimization is really important if you’re looking to be found out of the hundreds and thousands and millions of other vendors out there trying to reach the same customer you are. My final thoughts are this, you may know how to link up a button or upload pictures. You may be excellent at picking a template and choosing your colors schemes, but if you don’t provide good quality content to your website that’s engaging, I would strongly advise starting there.
Contact me if you have any questions. As always, know that I’m here to help.
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